

主讲人:Yiwei Qi(13岁) 挪威语授课,应该也可以接受英语和汉语讨论。


  • 2022年6月25日星期六 上午10:15-11:15 (正式上课10:30开始,请大家登陆后,发消息说明一下是否有Apple Pencil) 会议链接
    • Basic functions, like brush, erasers etc.
    • Blending and liquify (playing around)
    • Tools and canvas edits
    • Undo, redo, copy and paste
    • Selecting
  • 2022年6月26日星期日 上午10:30-11:15 会议链接
    • Review from yesterday
    • Drawing guide and symmetry (playing around)
    • How to draw a sunset
  • 2022年6月28日星期二 下午18:00-18:45 会议链接
    • Review
    • How to draw Norwegian flag
    • Alpha lock and shading




  • 硬件:iPad+Apple Pencil(可选)
  • 软件:Procreate(109NOK),自行采购
  • 因为上课的时候孩子需要用iPad进行操作,需要另有一台设备(电脑/手机/平板)参与Zoom会议

没有Apple Pencil的话,手画应该也可以,但因为没有压感,以及灵敏度受限,有些细致的操作可能无法完成。

Procreate是Apple最佳设计奖得主和App Store必备应用 – Procreate是专为创意人士使用移动设备打造的一款应用,其绘制素描、图画和插图的功能无与伦比。该工具箱内工具齐全,可以帮助您随时随地创作漂亮的素描、迷人的图画以及美妙的插图。Procreate主要特点包括突破性的画布分辨率、136种简单易用的画笔、高级图层系统以及由iOS上最快的64位绘图引擎Silica M支持。


JC Forum – JC论坛

JC论坛 – 中文教育系列

  • 低龄儿童如何教中文
  • 学龄儿童如何开始入门学习中文写字
  • 家长如何组织中文学习班级
  • 如何引导孩子阅读
  • 中文写作如何培养
  • 如何选择中文学习的教材
  • 阅读材料的选择:虚拟?还是科普?
  • 是否开展中文版数学以及其它学科的教育

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JC论坛 – 期待您的参与



Introduction to chip Programming


25th of October, 09:00 – 10:00 / 10:15 – 11:15
15th of November, 09:00 – 10:00 / 10:15 – 11:155
6th of December, 09:00 – 10:00 / 10:15 – 11:15


  • A computer, preferably Windows/Mac with Chrome/Firefox.
  • A separate computer/iPad with Zoom installed to follow the class.
  • A Micro:bit and correct cable to connect it to the computer

One day before the class, information regarding the Zoom-meeting and what page we use will be published in the Wechat-group for the course


These classes are meant as introductory classes to the possibilities of chip programming. The goal of the classes are to introduce to the student where we find these microcontrollers in every day items and that it is easy to program something that interacts with the real world and not just prints text on the screen.

The class will start with an introduction to the micro:bit and what it is capable of and how we interact with it, followed by connecting it to the computer and starting coding in the web browser using blocks for codes instead of writing actual code.

Me, as the instructor will do the tasks in a slow pace and explain all my thinking, and students can choose to be faster than me or follow along.

Since the level of students vary, some will be quick and some will be slow. This is completely natural and those who need the most guidance I usually spend extra time with at the end of the class so they get to finish the tasks.


You can ask me in the Wechat group, or directly in Wechat.

Basic level Programming


25th of October, 17:45-18:45
15th of November, 17:45-18:45
6th of December, 17:45-18:45


  • A computer with a web browser, preferably Chrome / Firefox
  • A separate computer/iPad with Zoom installed to follow the class.

One day before the class, information regarding the Zoom-meeting and what page we use will be published in the Wechat-group for the course


These classes build on the previous classes held in spring and summer of 2020. We will quickly review what we did previously before we continue explore more concepts of programming.

Every class will start with simple theory, followed by everyone coding in the web browser using blocks for codes instead of writing actual code. This makes it possible for younger kids to participate as they are not required to type on a keyboard, but instead drag blocks around.

Me, as the instructor will do the tasks in a slow pace and explain all my thinking, and students can choose to be faster than me or follow along.

Since the level of students vary, some will be quick and some will be slow. This is completly natural and those who need the most guidance I usually spend extra time with at the end of the class so they get to finish the tasks.


You can ask me in the Wechat group, or directly in Wechat.

Entry level Programming

Date and time:

25th of October, 19:00-20:00
15th of November, 19:00-20:00
6th of December, 19:00-20:00

Requirements and preparations:

  • A computer with a web browser, preferably Chrome / Firefox
  • A separate computer/iPad with Zoom installed to follow the class.

One day before the class, information regarding the Zoom-meeting and what page we use will be published in the Wechat-group for the course.

Description of class:

We will go through a basic introduction of what programming is and where we can find it in everyday things. In addition we will talk about basic concepts in programming like loops (while) and conditionals (if-else) without going deep into techincal details.

Every class will start with simple theory, followed by everyone coding in the web browser using blocks for codes instead of writing actual code. This makes it possible for younger kids to participate as they are not required to type on a keyboard, but instead drag blocks around.

Me, as the instructor will do the tasks in a slow pace and explain all my thinking, and students can choose to be faster than me or follow along.

Since the level of students vary, some will be quicker than others. This is completely natural and those who need the most guidance I usually spend extra time with at the end of the class so they get to finish the tasks.


You can ask me in the Wechat group, or directly in Wechat.




10月4日 20:00-21:00  带你走进挪威小学主题分享会  (注册链接特邀嘉宾马峥将为大家分享以下几个内容:1. 挪威基础教育概况2. 挪威小学具体课程和设置3. 没有经验的家长如何陪伴和辅导孩子4. 其它问卷调查里涉及到的一些问题

10月11日 17:00-17:45  戴老师:秋天主题(绘画/手工)(注册链接) 

10月18日 10:00-10:30  Eric:国际象棋入门  
Eric是Junior Club的小志愿者,曾获得国际象棋挪威全国冠军  (注册链接)  

Victor老师的编程课 (报名链接)   
高级班(芯片编程): 2011年及以前出生的学员