April 27th 3D printing experience activities

April 27th 3D printing experience activities 3D打印体验活动

Our Junior Club organized 3D printing experience activities for children. This event was organized in conjunction with Oslo Metropolitan University Oslomet, and was taught in Norwegian by two university teachers. According to the teacher’s suggestion, we are divided into three groups according to age groups, and they are arranged at 11:00-12:45 (fourth and fifth grade), 13:00-14:45 (sixth and seventh grade), 15:00- 16:45 (middle and high school) these three periods.

On the day of the event, teachers and laboratory assistants took the children to visit the laboratory of Oslomet Makerspace. The children showed a strong interest in 3D printing and gathered around the printing equipment to ask many good questions. The teacher also displayed a variety of 3D printed works, and the children couldn’t put it down with the 3D printed small objects. Then the children sat down and listened to the teacher explain what 3D printing is and what slicing is. Next, under the guidance of the teacher, the children used Tinkercad to conduct basic 3D modeling and designed their first work. In the second half of the course, the teacher demonstrated in simple terms how to import the designed 3D model into UltiMaker Cura, set the system parameters, and finally operate the 3D printer and print out his own 3D printing works. After the event, we received a lot of feedback from children and parents. The children said they liked this kind of activity very much. They learned new knowledge and had works to take home. Parents also hope that we organize more similar activities.

4月27日我们Junior Club给孩子们组织了3D打印体验活动。此次活动和奥斯陆城市大学Oslomet各作,由两位大学老师挪威语授课。根据老师的建议,我们按年龄段分了三个组每,分别安排在了11:00-12:45(四五年级)、13:00-14:45(六七年级)、15:00-16:45(初高中)这三个时段。

活动当天老师和实验室助理带着小朋友们参观了Oslomet Makerspace的实验室,孩子们对3D打印表现出浓厚的兴趣,围在打印设备前问了很多好问题。老师也展示了各式各样3D打印的作品,小朋友们对3D打印的小物件爱不释手。然后小朋友们坐下来听老师讲解了什么是3D打印、什么是切片处理。接下来孩子们在老师的指导下用Tinkercad进行了基础的3D建模,设计出了自己的第一个作品。课程的后半段里老师深入浅出地演示了如何把设计好的3D模型导入UltiMaker Cura,设置系统参数,最终实操3D打印机并且打印出自己的3D打印作品。活动结束以后,我们收到很多孩子和家长们的反馈。孩子们表示很喜欢这样的活动,又学到了新知识还能有作品带回家。同家长们也希望我们多组织类似的活动。


April 14th Colourful Activities

April 14th Colourful Activities 多彩乐园活动

On the afternoon of April 14th, the CPN Junior Club hosted the colourful Activities, attracting over a hundred children and their parents. The event was split into two parts: park activities and exciting games. The activities included crossing the line, bowling, pick up candy, painting, handmade rabbit, etc. The games, tailored for both parents and children, included interactive challenges like reaction tests, sticky ball, and dancing.

Each participate contributed toys and books, exchanging them as delightful gifts. Special thanks were extended to the ten junior assistants who helped plan and organized the event, ensuring a memorable experience for all attendees and providing participants with enjoyable moments.

4月14日下午,CPN Junior Club举办了一场丰富多彩的游园活动,吸引了百余名小朋友和家长的积极参与,活动现场氛围热烈。活动分为游园与游戏两个部分。游园项目包括穿越火线,抓娃娃,手工制作兔子,棉花糖机,趣味保龄球,夹糖豆,画脸涂色等,而游戏则有手抓娃娃的亲子游戏,反应力大挑战,粘粘球大对决等。



Feb. 29 – GenAI artificial intelligence introduction lecture

This lecture aims to introduce the basic knowledge of GenAI (Generative AI), including basic concepts, technical principles and application scenarios. We’ll explore some of the applications of GenAI in daily life and work, as well as some resources and tools you can use right away.
Junior Club invited Mr. Lu Feng, a GenAI technical expert with 20 years of professional experience, to introduce the basic knowledge of GenAI to our children and parents. Lu Feng currently works at Senior Solution Architect in AWS, mainly helping enterprises use GenAI, IoT and cloud computing.


本次讲座旨在介绍GenAI (Generative AI)的基础知识,包括基本概念、技术原理和应用场景。我们将探讨GenAI在日常生活和工作中的一些应用,以及一些马上可以使用的资源和工具。
Junior Club邀请到有20年专业经验的GenAI技术专家陆峰先生为我们的大小朋友们和家长朋友们介绍GenAI有关的基础知识。 陆峰目前就职于Senior Solution Architect in AWS,主要帮助企业使用GenAI,IoT和云计算。

Feb 10: Kahoot Quiz

Kahoot Quiz 有奖竞猜活动

On February 10th, at 10:00 AM on the first day of the Chinese Lunar New Year, the Junior Club organized an online bilingual Kahoot quiz with prizes, hosted by Junior Club member Watermelon. The quiz included some fun facts related to China. A total of 24 children participated online, and in the end, three outstanding participants and two lucky participants won prizes. Special thanks to Zhu Chenlin for providing some of the Kahoot questions and Xigua for organizing this event!

2月10日中国农历大年初一早上十点,junior club举办了一场线上的中挪双语kahoot有奖竞猜活动,竞猜活动的内容包括了一些与中国相关的趣味知识。一共有24个小朋友在线上参加了,最终有三位优胜小朋友和两位幸运小朋友获奖。特别感谢朱辰霖小朋友提供的部分kahoot题,以及小理事西瓜负责组织此次活动!


2024 Spring Festival Gala

2024 Spring Festival Gala

Saturday, January 27, 2024, 14-16, Lilleakerskole
Participants: 102 children + 103 adults

The Chinese Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival for Chinese people around the world. Just like Christmas in Norway, it is a beautiful holiday for family reunions. Most of the Chinese families living in Norway are first-generation immigrants, and there are not many family members around to spend time together. To this end, the CPN Junior Club adheres to tradition and organizes the annual Spring Festival celebrations, allowing children to experience the inheritance of this culture and the joy of gathering in this big family!

From the planning to the organization of this party, every aspect was completed by the children of the club! Two high school students (16 and 19 years old) directed, 2 junior high school students (15 years old) and two elementary school students (10 years old) hosted, and nearly 50 children participated in the performance, creating a wonderful event!

The 2023 Mid-Autumn Festival Art Exhibition works were displayed at the party. More than 20 children came to the stage to receive awards one by one, feeling full of achievement!

Finally, all the children happily danced the Norwegian children’s dance Bilme together. All the children received cash red envelopes, which symbolized good luck and good luck, and they were very happy!

Wish everyone a happy New Year in the Year of the Dragon!







2024 Cross-country ski at Eid

2024 Eid越野滑雪活动



Football Night: Norway VS France(Women) on Oct. 27th

足球之夜:Junior Club组织观看挪威与法国的女足比赛

在2023年10月27日,我们组织了一次令人兴奋的活动,邀请了协会24多名小朋友和他们的家长前往Ullevaal Station足球场观看挪威与法国女足国家队的比赛。这次活动增强孩子们对足球的兴趣,以及提供一个有趣的社交体验。




Hiphop course on March 18th

3月18日周六下午我们邀请到了资深嘻哈舞老师Diska Livia为我们Junior Club的小朋友教授嘻哈舞基础动作。Diska有十多年嘻哈舞教学经验,合作过的综艺团体包括Melodi Grand Prix, Stjernekamp and Karpe Diem等等。嘻哈舞体验课在位于Vulken的舞蹈室举办,按年龄分两组:
A组 8-11岁 13:00-14:15
B组 12岁+(或成人) 14:30-15:45

Diska老师教了嘻哈舞经典的基础动作,包括rock, wave, two steps, bounce, 交叉跳,侧踢、转身等,然后把这些动作串在一起编了一段舞蹈。75分钟以后,小朋友都可以跟着老师跳一段颇有嘻哈舞韵味的舞蹈了。家长们对本次活动的反馈也非常不错,希望我们接下来再邀请专业人士来开一些体验课。


Summer beach picnic on June 24th




2023·Children’s Painting Exhibition to Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival


对于海外游子而言,中秋节是重要的传统节日。 CPN junior club 举办一年一度《迎中秋儿童画展》旨在帮助孩子们提升对中国文化的认同感,同时展示他们的创意和艺术天赋。

