September 15th: Norwegian Secondary and High School Series (Part 2): High School Curriculum and Course Selection System

This online seminar attracted more than 70 families. On September 15, we invited Shao Yiwen, a second-year student from Elvebakken High School in Oslo, to provide a detailed explanation of the Norwegian high school curriculum, course selection system, graduation requirements, and changes in bonus points. At the end of the seminar, there was a Q&A session, during which parents actively asked questions. The discussion focused on topics such as the Chinese mother tongue language exam, high school courses and exam system, study conditions during high school, the calculation method for university entrance scores, and differences between science and humanities streams.


9月15日,线上讲座吸引了70多位家长热情参与。我们邀请了奥斯陆Elvebakken high school 的高二学生邵奕雯同学,为大家详细讲解了挪威高中的课程设置,选课制度,毕业要求和加分项的改变。讲座最后设置了答疑时间,期间家长们在线上踊跃提问,针对我们中国家庭关于中文母语考试的问题,高中课程和考试的设置情况,高中期间的学习情况,考大学的分数计算方式和文理科差异等展开了热烈的讨论。