August 17th The summer party at the Sognsvann Lake in Oslo

The summer party with 150 members and their families was successfully held on Saturday, August 17th, at the Sognsvann Lake in Oslo. A variety of games and prizes were prepared for the children, and a rich food was provided. The tug-of-war, grab-stools, bowling and other games were very lively and full of laughter. Adults and children had a great time.

CPN Junior Club和CPN 联合组织的夏日烧烤趴,于8月17日星期六在奥斯陆Sognsvann湖边成功举办。现场为小朋友们准备了丰富的游戏和奖品,并为到场的近150会员朋友及家属提供了丰盛的烧烤食物。现场拔河,抢凳子,保龄球等比赛热闹非凡,笑声不断,大人小孩们都玩得尽兴吃得开心。